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Working with Print A&E Editor Olivia Stokes on the spread for Volume 70, Issue 2, suggesting ideas for how to lay out the page.  


Both in print and online, I design with the viewer in mind. The central ideas of dominance, color contrast, and balance all apply in the way I design with the viewers' eyes logically following across a page, story, or website. The core brand of The Pitch is also promoted with good design, using our standardized branding, including a standard color palette and print style guide. 

Print Layout

 As one of the Print Editors-in-Chief, in each issue I oversee all pages, guiding them through the layout and design process. Each of the pages below reflects my steady growth as a designer. I started as a Print News Editor when I designed pages myself. Now, as Editor-in-Chief, I help in directing and supporting others.

Pages I Designed:

I designed the following pages during my sophomore year tenure as a Print News Editor

Pages I Guided:


Volume 70, Issue 1

Page designed by Graeme Pearce


Volume 70, Issue 3

Page designed by Olivia Stokes


Volume 70, Specialty Issue

Page designed by Michal Shmaya


Volume 68, Issue 1

Volume 68, Specialty Issue

Volume 68, Issue 4

Pages I Designed (Senior Year):

Click to open in pop-up

Volume 70, Specialty Issue

This four-page spread was part of my extensive article on the history of grade inflation in MCPS. The first of the two spreads featured five graphs showing key data about grade inflation while the second featured a 1500 word article about the trends and underlying factors behind the rise in grades. 

Click to open in pop-up

Volume 70, Issue 5

For the first time in 15 years, one school's boys and girls swim team swept at the Maryland 4A/3A state championship meet. When our school's team accomplished this feat, I designed this page to emphasize the feat, making use of a strong, dominant image and creative use of margins and white space. 

Online Story Packaging

Laying out stories online is a cumbersome process with a steep learning curve, which is why in past years, stories were almost exclusively published with the SNO "Full Width" template. As Editor-in-Chief, I have expanded our design options into using other templates, and have even created custom templates for our online editors to use. These are examples of online story packages I laid out myself on WordPress.

Infographics and Other Social Media Templates

This Issue in Print
Best of SNO winners
Pull quote copy
3 line green
Award Winner Templates

In addition to the new templates we use for social media, I also design other posts on our Instagram and infographics using Canva. Here are some designs that I have made so far this year. 

Website Redesign

As a part of the requirements for obtaining SNO Distinguished Site status, one requirement is to create a completely new draft of the website. Leading our effort for the Distinguished Sites award in the 2023-24 year, I created the basic shell of our redesigned website. In May, I proposed to the 2025 Editorial Board making my draft site the live one. We agreed, with some tweaks and further input and feedback from the rest of the online Editorial Board, we pushed our new website live in June 2024. We continue to work on improving it with minor updates. 


Excessive white space around masthead

Non-dominant top story

No advertisement space

Unaligned rows

Photos unusually cropped

No featured images for secondary articles

Story repetition on home page (McKnight article appears four times)

Story list style not consistent across sections

Print PDFs hidden and hard to find

Trending stories widget AND recent stories widget used

Lots of unplanned white space at bottom

Sports games list not kept with sports articles

Generally pretty unplanned, widgets just kind of thrown in


Masthead redesigned, links to donate and advertise added

Dominant, eye-catching center top story

Online ads driving revenue for The Pitch

Easily spotted and recognized print PDFs

Every story has a featured image

Unified sports center with scores, games, articles

Unified multimedia center with Instagram, videos, and photos

Section story lists unified in list style 

All rows line up

Footer (black) contrasts with homepage

Top menu in accent green

Every choice in website design is planned and deliberate

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